immer gut drauf, immer gut dran
(Downloads to 2025-01-25: 64474)
A human player and two computer players play as the skat partners.
You can play in 3 modes
Rule Skat: | follows the exact rules of the Deutscher Skatverband (DSkV) set in 1999-01-01 |
Variations Skat: | here deviations can be made, and common variations like German Kneipenskat can be played |
Schieberamsch: | follows a very popular (unofficial) variation of Skat called Ramsch (Schieberamsch if pass on is allowed) |
The program can keep up with experienced players and provide surprises.
The main intent, however, was to create a learning aid for Skat beginners. Several
additional cross-game options are therefore offered, including:
Breaking off and repetition of games
Undo/redo of tricks
Exposing the cards
Exchanging the cards or of the hand
Exchanging the skat stock
Exchanging the suits
Suggestions for possible games
Suggestions to discard the skat
Suggestions to play or follow the cards
Manipulation of tricks
Demonstration mode - the program as an automaton
Previous Versions
Skat2000+ now is available in version 6.1.1 and can be downloaded here
SkatSetup-6.1.1_Win8-Win10 (2025-01-02)
Release Version V6.1.1
New: Suit: K Rule: 2991
Suit: R Rule: 2707, 2620
Suit: RK Rule: 2943
Ramsch: R Rule: 3206
Ramsch: Announce: Durchmarsch, Jungfrau
Ramsch: PO Rule: 160, 150, 147, 139
138, 130, 132, 126,
125, 124, 121, 120, 115
Declaration: Give up game immediately: P
Auction: Block window change
Grand: R-Rule: 3425, 3418, 3248,
3238, 3228, 3201
Grand: K Rule: 3536, 3533, 3418
Correction: Trickestimation: Display: Tables
Kontra: 3, game
Audio: C1: voice at auction
Suit: K Rule: 2981
Suit: TE Rule: 24, 14, 9
Suit: 38, game
Grand: R Rule: 3419
Grand: 1, game
Null: 4, game
Ramsch: PERSON: Abandon Game (fatal)
Ramsch: 14, game
Ramsch: 3, Discarding skat
Ramsch: 1, Trick Estimation
Auction: Swapping cards
Auction: Swapping hand cards
Dialog: 3, Showing Rules
Playing Skill: Ramsch: 27, Discarding skat
Ramsch: 44, game
Grand: RK Rule: 3248, 3425, 3517
Grand: TE Rule: 27
Grand: 20, game
Suit: 37, game
Null: 5, game
SkatSetup-6.2_Win8-Win10 (2025-01-20 beta1)
Future skat versions:
Created with the development environment Visual Studio 2015 (Win7 - Win10).
Includes the redistributables (vcruntime140.dll, mfc140.dll) for 32-bit and
64-bit systems. Before the setup, the previous program should be uninstalled
to remove obsolete files also.
If Win7 systems are missing 'api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dl'l, you must
download and install 'Universal C RunTime in Windows - Microsoft Support'.
Previous skat versions:
Created with the development environment Visual Studio 6 (WinXP - Win10,
VS6 can only be used up to Windows Vista). Includes the redistributable
(mfc42.dll) for 32-bit systems.
Preliminary version:
New: Ramsch: PO Rule: 109
Grand: M Rule: 18
Correction: Grand: M Rule: 4
Grand: B Rule: 3200
Grand: 1, game
Suit: 1, game
Declaration: Search loop
Playing Skill: Ramsch: 1, game
Ramsch: 1, Discarding skat
Older versions:
SkatSetup-5.5_Win8-Win10 (07.11.2018)
SkatSetup-5.6_Win8-Win10 (2019-12-20)
SkatSetup-5.7_Win8-Win10 (2019-03-14)
SkatSetup-5.8_Win8-Win10 (2020-07-07)
SkatSetup-5.9_Win8-Win10 (2021-04-12)
SkatSetup-6.0_Win8-Win10 (2022-12-26)
Alternatively, a virus-tested copy may be downloaded from the user forum of Heise Online
Rainer Helfinger